Other Services

Other Services

Floors and Pavement

Floor and pavement surfaces enable plant and building to function according to their original design and designated purpose. These surfaces receive continuous exposure to traffic, process operations and cleaning procedures. MOPAC has repaired and protected a vast range of floor and pavement surfaces over the past 30+ years. This experience includes treatment of the following surfaces:
  • Resinous flooring systems (thin film, self-leveling, slurries, trowel and spray-applied)
  • Secondary and primary containment coatings and liners
  • Vessel floors
  • Drainage trenches
  • Sump and pond liners
  • Monolithic copolymers
  • Asphalt and concrete
  • Ceramic and vinyl tile
  • Hardwood refinishing

These surfaces negatively impact operations when exposures produce cracking, spalling and disintegration. Moisture in the form of vapors and liquids is a primary root cause of failure. Additional sources of deterioration can be traced to chemical exposure, abrasive conditions, excessive weight (loading), vibration, corrosion of embedded metal and design deficiencies.

MOPAC performs condition surveys as part of assessment whereby specifications are developed. The specifications reference materials and methods that will enhance the floor and pavement surfaces for long-term performance. Budgets also are established from updated historical data.

Concrete Repair and Restoration

  • Repair of columns, pads, slabs, ceilings, walls, etc...
  • Crack-Injection
  • Carbon fiber strenthening and support
  • Grouting

MOPAC utilizes scaffolding, rigging, and lift equipment to provide efficient and safe access for industrial and commercial projects. These services are performed for clients during the construction and maintenance of world-class plant and building facilities.

Service Offerings:
  • Certified and Experienced Crews for Temporary and Industrial access solutions.
  • Erection and Dismantling of Scaffolding
  • Frame
  • Tube and clamp
  • Multi-purpose
  • System
  • Work Platforms
  • Swing stages
  • Spider-type baskets and chairs
  • Boom-lift and scissor access
  • Enclosures for weather, safety, cleaning, etc...

Project examples include access to:

  • Powerhouse structures
  • Exterior/interior of tanks and silos
  • Exterior of buildings and other structures
  • Bridge pilings and underside structure
  • Structural steel, process pipe and equipment
Safety and Environmental

Sanitation cleaning, application of secondary containment linings.
Labeling for process safety, fireproofing, removal of lead-based paint, management services for asbestos abatement, and mold remediation.

These services include industrial hygiene and sanitation cleaning, application of secondary containment linings, labeling for process safety, fireproofing, removal of lead-based paint and mold remediation.

In today's business climate, safety and environmental issues are hot topics and add high levels of liability to industrial companies; therefore, MOPAC customers must comply with regulations mandated by O.S.H.A., E.P.A., U.S.D.A., and other regulatory agencies. MOPAC stays current on these safety and environmental issues. By staying current on safety and environmental issues, MOPAC can assist in reducing its clients' risk to injuries, death, lost time, and law suits.



The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating Systemâ„¢ encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria.

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